
SoulCollage® is a creative and satisfying collage process. You make your own deck of cards—each collage card representing one aspect of your personality or Soul. Use the cards intuitively to answer life's questions and participate in self-discovery. Joyfully deepen your understanding of the relationships between your personality parts, you and your family/community/world, and you and your dreams, symbols, and Spirit. Founder Seena B. Frost's book, SoulCollage® Evolving, describes how to make and use the SoulCollage® cards individually and in groups.

For more information about SoulCollage® visit:

Past Participants’ Comments

Thank you for curating this sacred, safe space for us to share & for your thoughtful, sensitive leadership.
It never ceases to astound me, how deeply impact full each of these creative experiences are.
Thank you for opening the door in my heart through this journey Marita
This was a very powerful, nurturing and profound experience that came at the right time of my life
I gained wisdom, and peace to listen to my soul
It was very meaningful and felt like self-care in a safe space
This is a new tool to tap into my purpose
I loved every moment … it felt very natural and inspiring
abundant in all aspects

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